Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Listen to Maxine Greene

Before I leave for my two week vacation in Italy, I wanted to post this lecture by Maxine Greene. I had the privilege of meeting Maxine in the early 1990's. I presented with my students at two of her conferences and she spoke in Philadelphia at an event sponsored by the Bartol Foundation the year that the documentary about my work at Gratz was premiered. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. Maxine Greene is the person in this world whose work I admire the most. Every time I have felt lost or hopeless, I have turned to her books, talks, and projects and I have been re-inspired. In this talk, Maxine makes clear the power of the human imagination and she links the act of imagining to the creation of new and more ethical social and political realities. She talks about all of these things in the context of teaching-- teachers as human beings teaching other human beings... all of us unfinished, still becoming... human.


The image “http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/photo/2005/07/07/PH2005070702061.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Watch 'Towards Pedagogy of Thought & Imagination' from The Cowin Center on 3/5/2008


Anonymous said...

Amazing pic! Lovely color.

Anonymous said...

Well done shot! A perfect light! Wonderful.